October 23, 2023 – The first twenty-three days of the new Kiwanis year have been nothing short of fascinating! It is day 23 of the new year, I’ve had the privilege of inducting four remarkable new members into the Kiwanis Club of Bald Eagle and Nittany Valleys, all while joining in on their festive Oktoberfest celebration. It’s an absolute honor and joy to bring new members into our Kiwanis family, and it aligns perfectly with our theme for this year: “Growing Membership for the Kids.“
Enjoying Oktoberfest Celebrations with BENV!
Membership is always in the forefront of everything we do, as more members equals more hands of service. In our District we have noticed a drop of 215 members from mid-September through September 30th. But don’t fret; we can turn the tide together. If each of us actively participates in growing our membership by sharing the Kiwanis spirit with family, friends, and co-workers, we can surely offset this decline and even come out stronger.
I invite you to take advantage of Kiwanis International Membership Coaching training and other resources listed on the KI Membership Engagement Facebook Page which lists some important trainings that occur ever 2nd Tuesdays of the month.
On another exciting note, we’re on a mission to kickstart seven new clubs this year, a goal we set at District Convention in Scranton this past August and one I shared in my previous message to you. Our district’s membership team is counting on your support to make this happen. To enhance our efforts, I’m looking to establish regional membership teams that will play a pivotal role in birthing new clubs. If you’re eager to contribute, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself, Matt Wise, District Membership Coordinator, or Cathy Szymanski, New Club Building Coordinator via our Contact Us Form.
I’d like to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of you for the incredible service you provide to your communities and, most importantly, to the children in your communities. Together, we’re making a significant difference.
Keep up the fantastic work, and let’s continue to grow and serve the kids!
Warm regards,
Conrad Schlesinger Pennsylvania District Governor
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Growing Membership for the Kids
October 23, 2023 – The first twenty-three days of the new Kiwanis year have been nothing short of fascinating! It is day 23 of the new year, I’ve had the privilege of inducting four remarkable new members into the Kiwanis Club of Bald Eagle and Nittany Valleys, all while joining in on their festive Oktoberfest celebration. It’s an absolute honor and joy to bring new members into our Kiwanis family, and it aligns perfectly with our theme for this year: “Growing Membership for the Kids.“
Membership is always in the forefront of everything we do, as more members equals more hands of service. In our District we have noticed a drop of 215 members from mid-September through September 30th. But don’t fret; we can turn the tide together. If each of us actively participates in growing our membership by sharing the Kiwanis spirit with family, friends, and co-workers, we can surely offset this decline and even come out stronger.
I invite you to take advantage of Kiwanis International Membership Coaching training and other resources listed on the KI Membership Engagement Facebook Page which lists some important trainings that occur ever 2nd Tuesdays of the month.
On another exciting note, we’re on a mission to kickstart seven new clubs this year, a goal we set at District Convention in Scranton this past August and one I shared in my previous message to you. Our district’s membership team is counting on your support to make this happen. To enhance our efforts, I’m looking to establish regional membership teams that will play a pivotal role in birthing new clubs. If you’re eager to contribute, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself, Matt Wise, District Membership Coordinator, or Cathy Szymanski, New Club Building Coordinator via our Contact Us Form.
I’d like to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of you for the incredible service you provide to your communities and, most importantly, to the children in your communities. Together, we’re making a significant difference.
Keep up the fantastic work, and let’s continue to grow and serve the kids!
Warm regards,
Conrad Schlesinger
Pennsylvania District Governor
Facebook Posts