Governor’s Blog: May Moments, Milestones and Membership Highlights!

May 20, 2024 – May has been incredibly busy for me! I’m thoroughly enjoying traveling throughout the district, sharing the joy and spirit of Kiwanis wherever I go.

Sharing Kiwanis in Titusville

My aim as Governor was to establish 7 new Kiwanis clubs in communities without one. While we haven’t opened our first club yet, I recently spent a day and a half in Titusville, engaging with local businesses to understand community needs. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing excitements about Kiwanis returning to Titusville. Huge thanks to the Kiwanis Club of Franklin for their sponsorship and coaching support for the upcoming club. Grateful to everyone who helped set up meetings and joined the visits.

Celebrating Milestones

Congratulations to the Kiwanis Club of Bellefonte who celebrated their 100th anniversary on May 14. It was a pleasure for my wife Rose and I to attend this milestone celebration not too far from home!  The club’s 100th anniversary is not only a celebration but a renewed commitment to the community for another 100 years of service. These celebrations are another aspect of being Governor that brings immense pride and pleasure.

Rain or Shine for Region 7 Picnic

On Saturday May 18th, my wife and I along with Governor Elect Tom Harp were able to enjoy the Region 7 Spring Picnic in Southampton, PA. (Pictured Governor Conrad, Gov Elect Tom Harp and Region 7 Trustee Joe Wilson)   This is a unique event where the clubs meet every Spring to infuse fun and fellowship with a dash of business even on a rainy day!  There was plenty of BBQ, desserts, lawn games and laughter to be had!  Division 21 also elected their next Lt. Governor Jill Saul from Levittown-Bristol Club.  Congrats Jill!  

We are halfway done with May – look for me at other events in the District!  If you would like me to attend an event, or club meeting please let me know! If you have club events that you would like to advertise via our website or Facebook, please learn how at our Club Events page!

Leadership Succession

Switching gears, as I mentioned this past weekend the Division 21 Lt. Governor was elected, but we still have a few vacancies across the District for Lt. Governors including Divisions 10, 11E, 19, and 22 plus we are still looking for a few district chair positions to serve next administrative year as stated in previous blogs: Membership Coordinator, K-Kids and Builders Club Administrators.  Please contact Tom Harp at [email protected] if you are interested in learning more about those positions!

One crucial role that we need to fill is Governor-Elect position. We currently do not have a declared candidate for the role of Governor-Elect for the district— an essential role in supporting the Governor and the board, while also getting hands-on experience in district operations and planning for the upcoming year. Serving as Governor or Governor-Elect offers a chance to actively contribute to driving change and furthering the Kiwanis mission. Join us in making a difference at the highest level! The role requires one to have been a Past Lt. Governor in a PA District division. If you’re interested in learning more about this incredible opportunity, please reach out to Sarah Zulueta, Past Governor Association District Chair, for more details.

This opportunity to serve your division and district at its highest level are fulfilling and rewarding roles that you won’t regret being a part of!

Friendly Reminders

  • Monday May 20th at 7 pm Membership Chair Virtual Summit will take place via Zoom for club membership chairs or officers, if no membership chairs are identified. Please register by contacting Matt Wise, District Membership Coordinator at [email protected] to receive the Zoom link.  As everyone heard from Jim Mancuso last Monday, a Membership committee can start with the power of ONE!
  • 2024 PA/NJ District Convention in Reading. PA will be Aug 15-18, 2024.  Stay tuned as registration will soon be opening by the end of the month. There will NOT be a mailing sent via USPS, as registration information will only be available online so look for upcoming Bi-weekly newsletters and email communication when registration opens.  Encourage your club members to register, and place ads in the convention program booklet. More info coming soon!  


  • Charles Chase from the Allentown Northeast has not been feeling well. If you are so inclined, you may wish to send Charles a Get-Well card please email me for his information.

Expressions of Sympathy:

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Kiwanians that have recently loss a love one.

  • Former Executive Director Kevin Thomas mother Reda Thomas passed away May 5th.
  • Allentown Northeast Kiwanis Club’s President Diane Farleigh’s husband passed away recently.
  • Region 7 Trustee Joe Wilson’s wife Sally passed away May 16th.  

Thank you for all you do in the community — you are appreciated!

If you missed my other Blog post read them HERE!

Warm Regards,

Governor Conrad
Pennsylvania District Governo
