Governor’s Blog: July Fun Continues!

July 22, 2024 – Is this summer flying or is it me? Time flies when you are having FUN in Kiwanis they say! Let’s keep it going and finish strong this administrative year, only 2 months to go!

Speaking of fun I was able to enjoy a friendly rivalry this weekend 7/20/24) as many Kiwanians, including myself and my grandson Liam, traveled to PNC Park in Pittsburgh to watch the Pirates vs Phillies play! It was a fun gathering of Kiwanians from across this District! The game ended with a win for the Pirates. As a governor tradition, since the Phillies lost this means I will have to wear a Pirates jersey during District Convention to the dismay of several of our Phillies fans. Love the spirited rivalry and tradition! The PNC park is a beautiful ballpark with beautiful views, it will be a wonderful venue for visitors next year for our International Convention in Pittsburgh in 2025.

Speaking of fun… here are some great trainings and events below that I encourage you participate in and hope you will find inspiration, energy and new ideas to thrive in our communities! I also included a few reminders on upcoming deadlines.

Club ElectionsA reminder again to Club Secretaries, please enter your club election results for the 2024-2025 administrative year. Currently, only 62 clubs have entered their officer elections, which means that 71 clubs still need to take care of this important task. If you are unsure how to enter the officers’ names for 2024 – 2025, please contact your Lt. Governor or Regional Trustee.

Monthly Leadership Education – The next Leadership Education is scheduled for Monday, August 12th @ 7:00 PM. The registration link will be available soon, please save the date! This Leadership Education is open to all PA Kiwanians, not just officers. Dominick Breton, District Membership Coordinator from the Rocky Mountain District will be our featured speaker that evening. Dominick spoke at the Governors’ Conference held in January in Denver on membership efforts that have been effective in the Rocky Mountain District. I enjoyed his presentation and feel that all of you will benefit from hearing him. More information will be available soon, look out for email.

International Dues Increase – In my last blog, I indicated the International Dues would increase on October 1, 2024 and I sent a detailed letter to each Club President and Secretary outlining each amendment and the election of Trustees, Vice-President, President-Elect and President-Designate. I asked them to provide that information to each of their members. If you have not received that information, please contact your President or Secretary, and request a copy of that letter.

District Convention in Reading – A reminder, the joint PA / NJ District Convention will be held in Reading August 15 – 18 at the Doubletree Hotel. The registration deadline July 31st is soon approaching. Please make your reservations prior to that date. There are still openings for the Friday night Wine Tour and the History Tours. Please consider either of these tours as an additional event to socialize with your fellow Kiwanians. REGISTER NOW!

Convention Delegate Forms – If you are a club Secretary or President, please do not forget to complete the Convention Delegate form and mail or email it to the District Secretary no later than July 31st. This form is available on the convention website: Delegate Form.

Kiwanis Kash – Kiwanis Kash tickets are still available if you need additional tickets to sell. They are available from District Treasurer, Ben Osterhout. If you sold tickets, please mail checks and the ticket stubs to Ben Osterhout using the self-addressed envelope he provided with your tickets. Please do not send cash in the mail.

I am looking forward to seeing many of you at our District Convention in Reading. Keep in mind the current deadlines for ads, sponsorships, hotel and convention registration.

Thank you for all you do as Kiwanians for the kids. We can do much more by “Growing Membership for the Kids!”   

If you missed my other Blog post read them HERE!

Warm Regards,

Governor Conrad
Pennsylvania District Governo
