February 19, 2024 – Membership Update

Letting Go of What No Longer Serves Us
By Matt Wise, PA District Membership Coordinator

In January 2022, the Kiwanis magazine published an article called “Let go of holding on: With
the beginning of a new year, learn to release what no longer serves you.” I saved it for future
reference because something in this resonated with me.

The article discusses our innate thoughts to hang on to things (and why we do it), but also
suggests that it is healing to let go of things. It ends with a how-to guide to letting go, in which it
suggests that the next time we “feel stuck or unable to let go of something in your life [follow
these] tips help you tune in to what you want, and decide what you no longer need.

Isn’t the same true for our Kiwanis Club? When is the last time your club did a house cleaning?
No, I’m not talking about getting rid of members! What about taking stock of what you do to
serve the community as well as your members?

Kiwanis International has a great worksheet to help you do just that. It is called Analyzing Your
and it is designed to help you and your club assess your time and resources as well as
prioritizing how to utilize them more effectively. Not only does this walk you through a deep dive
of your projects and activities, it helps you include your entire membership in the affairs of your
club. My favorite part about this entire worksheet is the section on creating club change where
you can have intentional and meaningful conversations with your members to determine three
things: What Works, Let’s Stop, Let’s Start. Other known as things to keep doing, things to start
doing, and things to stop doing.

There is no shame in no longer doing something your club has done for years – especially if it
no longer serves value among your members and/or in your community. This assessment can
be done at a meeting, in place of a speaker, or your can do this as a special retreat with your
membership. Make it fun, exciting, and meaningful.

Reach out today if you’d like to discuss in greater detail!
