July 22, 2024 – Membership Update

What is the secret of getting ahead?
By Matt Wise, District Membership Coordinator

“One word leads to another, write that first word here…”

That’s the prompt that greeted me today when I opened up a new word document to begin putting my thoughts down on paper for this month’s blog post. The hidden meaning behind this relatively simple statement is that sometimes we just need to begin.

How many times have we thought about doing this or that, but it seems it never comes to fruition…never anything more than a fleeting thought? We just need to take that first step, and all else will flow into place.

How many times, then, have we mentioned doing this or that to increase our membership, or even improve the membership experience for our existing members? I ask, what do YOU have to do to get started? Do you need to appoint a committee to discuss? Or what about writing a club action plan? What about calling the school district superintendent to schedule a meeting to discuss one of our Service Leadership Programs? Have you identified ways to survey members? Have you implemented the Two-for-Two program?

Do you feel stuck in the mud and unsure where to go? Just start. Take the first step. I know, it might feel like a massive leap, but trust me – once you do, you’ll put into motion action that will result in success!

There certainly no shortage of euphemisms: Rip the bandaid off, “Just Do It”, The best time to start is now, Beginning makes a difference, “Start where you are, Use what you have, Do what you can”.

This is your reminder to just to get started – the rest will fall into place!
