October 10, 2023– In the first week of our new administrative year I’ve been across our beautiful district from the southeast corner to the northwest corner and a few points between. In this short time, I have already been able to lead my first board meeting, celebrate the 100th Anniversary for the Kiwanis Club of Philipsburg and be part of our newest club in the District, the Kiwanis Club of Mills Creek Area’s chartering celebration. It has been a blast so far!
I am your 101st District Governor Conrad Schlesinger, a member of the Kiwanis Club of Lock Haven, initially joined in 1990. I served as the club President in 1997-98. I later served as Lt. Governor in Division 12N for two years and Division 14 for one year. I answered the call to lead our great District because I believe in our mission and vision. I know together we can do amazing things to ensure children around the district are healthy, happy, and safe.
About your Governor
Just a little about me if you were not able to attend the District Convention in Scranton in August. My family is no stranger to community service. My father and his brothers were charter and life members of the Woolrich Volunteer Fire Co. in Woolrich, PA. I’m also a life member of that fire company and was active from 1974 until 1984.
I became involved as a board member of the All Things Bright and Beautiful Day Care Center in August 1993 when the day care was started.
Chartering night for Kiwanis Club of Mill Creek Area
For the past 15 years I have been the chairperson of the advisory board that operates that day care. The Lock Haven Kiwanis Club started a monthly reading project in that day care that continues today. I was employed for over 42 years by Woolrich Inc. in various supervisory and management capacities, ending my career as Manager of Distribution. For full bio click HERE.
I believe my personal, professional and Kiwanis experience have prepared me to lead our District as District Governor. I ask for your trust and support so we may continue to strengthen the Pennsylvania District of Kiwanis.
2023-2024 Governor’s Theme, Goals and Priorities
“Growing Membership for the Kids” Theme
“Growing Membership for the Kids” is the theme for the 2023 – 2024 administrative year. I know we have heard this before, however, with declining membership globally this is an urgent call to action that I challenge each of you to embrace and take on. Can you imagine if your Kiwanis club no longer existed? Imagine children without access to free reading books, students not able to receive scholarships to further their education or children that go without breakfast with support from Kiwanis clubs…the impact on families is real. Membership growth is not only the responsibility of the District Membership Team, but also the responsibility of each of us as Kiwanians.
To accomplish this growth, all of us need to share Kiwanis with others and simply ASK. Don’t be afraid to tell your story and invite others to join an organization that helps children thrive. Share your Kiwanis moment that will encourage others to want to make this possible.
2023-2024 Governor Priorities
Positive membership growth in each division
Charter 7 new Kiwanis Clubs
Charter 3 new Builders Clubs over the previous administrative year
Charter 2 new K-Kids clubs over the previous administrative year
Have an elected or appointed Lt. Governor in each division
Encourage divisional and interdivisional interclubs
Increase Club Leadership Education participation
Have fun
Governor’s Project – Bucks for Books
The Governor’s Project this year will be a continuation of the Little Free Libraries programs, which I am calling “Bucks for Books” this year. The proceeds from this project will help clubs to obtain Little Free Libraries or to provide additional books to those clubs that already are stewards of a current Little Free Library. I obviously cannot do this by myself – I will be looking for the support of all our District Leaders and each of you.
Finally, thank you to each of you for everything you do in your clubs and communities for the children and your communities.
Warm Regards,
Governor Conrad Pennsylvania District Governor
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Happy New Year PA District Kiwanians!
October 10, 2023 – In the first week of our new administrative year I’ve been across our beautiful district from the southeast corner to the northwest corner and a few points between. In this short time, I have already been able to lead my first board meeting, celebrate the 100th Anniversary for the Kiwanis Club of Philipsburg and be part of our newest club in the District, the Kiwanis Club of Mills Creek Area’s chartering celebration. It has been a blast so far!
I am your 101st District Governor Conrad Schlesinger, a member of the Kiwanis Club of Lock Haven, initially joined in 1990. I served as the club President in 1997-98. I later served as Lt. Governor in Division 12N for two years and Division 14 for one year. I answered the call to lead our great District because I believe in our mission and vision. I know together we can do amazing things to ensure children around the district are healthy, happy, and safe.
About your Governor
Just a little about me if you were not able to attend the District Convention in Scranton in August. My family is no stranger to community service. My father and his brothers were charter and life members of the Woolrich Volunteer Fire Co. in Woolrich, PA. I’m also a life member of that fire company and was active from 1974 until 1984.
I became involved as a board member of the All Things Bright and Beautiful Day Care Center in August 1993 when the day care was started.
For the past 15 years I have been the chairperson of the advisory board that operates that day care. The Lock Haven Kiwanis Club started a monthly reading project in that day care that continues today. I was employed for over 42 years by Woolrich Inc. in various supervisory and management capacities, ending my career as Manager of Distribution. For full bio click HERE.
I believe my personal, professional and Kiwanis experience have prepared me to lead our District as District Governor. I ask for your trust and support so we may continue to strengthen the Pennsylvania District of Kiwanis.
2023-2024 Governor’s Theme, Goals and Priorities
“Growing Membership for the Kids” Theme
“Growing Membership for the Kids” is the theme for the 2023 – 2024 administrative year. I know we have heard this before, however, with declining membership globally this is an urgent call to action that I challenge each of you to embrace and take on. Can you imagine if your Kiwanis club no longer existed? Imagine children without access to free reading books, students not able to receive scholarships to further their education or children that go without breakfast with support from Kiwanis clubs…the impact on families is real. Membership growth is not only the responsibility of the District Membership Team, but also the responsibility of each of us as Kiwanians.
To accomplish this growth, all of us need to share Kiwanis with others and simply ASK. Don’t be afraid to tell your story and invite others to join an organization that helps children thrive. Share your Kiwanis moment that will encourage others to want to make this possible.
2023-2024 Governor Priorities
Governor’s Project – Bucks for Books
The Governor’s Project this year will be a continuation of the Little Free Libraries programs, which I am calling “Bucks for Books” this year. The proceeds from this project will help clubs to obtain Little Free Libraries or to provide additional books to those clubs that already are stewards of a current Little Free Library. I obviously cannot do this by myself – I will be looking for the support of all our District Leaders and each of you.
Finally, thank you to each of you for everything you do in your clubs and communities for the children and your communities.
Warm Regards,
Governor Conrad
Pennsylvania District Governor
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