

As clubs continue to resume in-person meetings and resume service projects and fundraising activities, the District would like to remind all Kiwanis Clubs and Kiwanis Members across Pennsylvania to follow all CDC and Pennsylvania Department of Health guidelines as they relate to all such activities. This includes adequate social distancing and face masking whereever and whenever possible, as well as proper sanitation techniques if necessary. We should all seek to avoid a Kiwanis meeting, project or fundraiser from being an occasion where Covid-19 is transmitted.

Kevin E. Thomas, District Executive Director
Pennsylvania District Kiwanis International

Dear Kiwanis Club Leaders and Members:

On behalf of the Pennsylvania District of Kiwanis International, we hope this finds you safe and well and doing all that is necessary to stay that way.

We have all entered uncertain times and it is difficult to know what the next 30 or 60 days might look like; three weeks ago, few of us could have imagined that we’d be where we are today.  But as we emerge on the other side of these trying times, as we will, the need for Kiwanis will be greater than ever.  For when that time comes, we need to do all we can now to make sure our clubs are ready to meet what will be the increased needs of our communities. 

Kiwanis was established and expanded during World War I and the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918.  During the Great Depression and while at first shaken like all organizations were, Kiwanis grew and expanded after 1932; many vital projects and programs were conducted.  During World War II, Kiwanis was important in helping to sustain many families and communities.  At the height of the Cold War, Kiwanis expanded across Europe.  We have seen many hard times and prevailed.  We are facing them now and we know that in the spirit and mission of Kiwanis, we will prevail and serve again.  We must prevail as too many need our help.

We encourage your club to communicate regularly via conference calls or online meetings or emails and newsletters.  Even if it is just a handful of you, do it.  Here is a link to ways to make it happen.  

For now, consider doing service that can be done without getting together.  For potential ideas see the attached list put together by the Kiwanis Club of Pennsylvania eKiwanis 2.0. 

If your club needs assistance or wants to discuss any items, you can contact either one or both of us at the contact information listed below.

Thanks for your efforts and work on behalf of Children and Kiwanis!  Your efforts are appreciated.    

More Resources: