Administrative Assistant Farewell Message from Michelle March

Fellow Kiwanis members,

I am forever thankful for the chance to grow, support, and make connections throughout the Pennsylvania Kiwanis District. When Kevin interviewed me for this role back in 2016, I told him how impressed and excited I was to be able to join an organization focused on helping children and providing them with books and other academic support.

I am a living testament to how reading to children can affect and change their lives. My godmother read to me daily as an infant and toddler which enabled me to enter pre-kindergarten with a 1st grade reading level and which then initiated my passionate love of books and folklore. Because of this, I have always had a strong desire to help kids imagine, craft and create wonderful things, explore their world, and better understand the people and cultures all around them.

Working with Kiwanis is something I feel blessed to be a part of.  It is wonderful to stand with a group of folks whose hearts resonate so much with mine—especially when it comes to supporting children’s education and striving to make their communities better for all through service-oriented projects. Reading to kids, providing books and learning guides to families, organizing activities, building playgrounds and so much more— this work you do means that, one day, an underprivileged kid like me grows up to join in helping improve and change the lives and minds of hundreds of others.

Being the Administrative Assistant for Kevin and the District has also allowed me to heal and grow in new skills and abilities which I leverage for the District, my Kiwanis club, and my church. And at the risk of embarrassing him, I must also add that Kevin is the best boss that I have ever had the pleasure of working for. He has always been very understanding and kind and his example sets a high standard for any future employers. His deep love for the mission of Kiwanis is obvious in all that he says and does and he is a treasure to the Pennsylvania District. May we all strive to follow his lead in service and commitment.

It has been my pleasure and honor to support the Pennsylvania Kiwanis District and to serve alongside you all these past 7 years. While I will no longer be a paid employee of the District, I look forward to continuing to serve Kiwanis as a member and Club Secretary of the Linglestown Kiwanis Club in Division 13N. I look forward to continuing to serve with you as a fellow volunteer and hope to see you again soon at future Kiwanis events and get-togethers.

Things around us are changing and challenges may appear. As I begin this new chapter, I encourage us all to never lose sight of what unites us and what drew me so strongly to Kiwanis to begin with: we are dedicated to improving the world, one child and one community at a time.

With deepest gratitude and respect,

Michelle March
