The Lieutenant Governor shall serve as the leader in the division by helping clubs grow, inspiring them to provide meaningful and innovative service and improving the value of the member experience.
They serve as the liaison between the clubs and the District Leadership Team communicating to the clubs the vision, goals and messages of Kiwanis International and the Pennsylvania District. Read more about the job description of a Lt. Governor.
Valarie Rose Division 1 Fort LeBeouf
Terry Shaffer Division 2 Shenango Valley
Wayne Meyer Division 5 Sheraden, Pittsburgh
Janine Surmick Division 8 Greensburg
Vacant Division 10
Barbara Chadick Division 11E State College
Miranda Burton Division 11W Philipsburg
Nikki Goss Division 12N Bald Eagle and Nittany Valleys
Jeff Kimball Division 12S Buffalo Valley A.M.
Emily Reed Division 13N Dillsburg Area
Vacant Division 13S
T. Kevin Yurkanin Division 14 Valley Conyngham
Debora Crisman Division 15 Montrose Area
Kyle Butcavage Division 16 Greater Reading-Berks County
Janet Owen Division 17/18 Easton
Vacant Division 19
Jill Saul Division 21 Levittown-Bristol
Joshua Dashoff Division 22 University City, Philadelphia
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2024-2025 Lieutenant Governors
The Lieutenant Governor shall serve as the leader in the division by helping clubs grow, inspiring them to provide meaningful and innovative service and improving the value of the member experience.
They serve as the liaison between the clubs and the District Leadership Team communicating to the clubs the vision, goals and messages of Kiwanis International and the Pennsylvania District. Read more about the job description of a Lt. Governor.
Division 1
Fort LeBeouf
Division 2
Shenango Valley
Division 5
Sheraden, Pittsburgh
Division 8
Division 10
Division 11E
State College
Division 11W
Division 12N
Bald Eagle and Nittany Valleys
Division 12S
Buffalo Valley A.M.
Division 13N
Dillsburg Area
Division 13S
Division 14
Valley Conyngham
Division 15
Montrose Area
Division 16
Greater Reading-Berks County
Division 17/18
Division 19
Division 21
Division 22
University City, Philadelphia
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